Wednesday 18 April 2012

How to become a better person?

I mentioned in a blog on Sunday that my doctor told me that now I had a working kidney I also had a second chance in life and I had to go out and do good in the world. I've changed my career path and now work for a local charitable organisation but how do I go about changing myself for the better?

On paper I have a place reserved in Hell. I don't like children, I'm not fond of cats, I'm impatient, I watch utter trash on the telly, I swear too much, I drive aggressively, I'm more than happy to make disparaging remarks about someone not looking their best, I don't have a lot of sympathy for anything self-inflicted, I'm pro-choice, want the death penalty reinstated and I don't believe in any kind of god. I've also voted Conservative more than once. 

In my favour people always comment on how cheerful I am, I'm loyal, generous and would do just about anything for a someone I care about. I've always made friends easily and been popular so I must be doing something right.

I thought about becoming vegetarian like I was back when I was 17. Surely not eating animals would make me a better person right? But then what if I became one of those militant vegetarians who looks down on everyone and likes to bring up the subject at every opportunity? 

Or I could give up my car and start cycling everywhere. It would certainly help with my weight loss quest and I'd be helping the environment. But we've all met one of those cyclists who truly believe they are the second coming of Christ because they cycle instead of drive.

Maybe I could become more spiritual but I'd hate to end up being one of those people who thank Jesus for letting their sports team win whilst ignoring starving nations.

I used to follow someone on Twitter who took up running. Now he posts a daily brag about how far he's gone that day. It's great he's found something he loves so much but if we all ran 10km each day, who would he boast to? Why do people feel the need to use their achievements as a way to belittle others? I grew tired of "Booyah, ran 12km today while you lot ate chips. Who's the daddy" tweets so a swift click of the unfollow button soon put an end to that.

You can still be a good person whether you eat meat, drive a car or sit on your fat ass watching Jersey Shore.

So how do I improve myself? I've come to the conclusion that by making self improvements you run the risk of actually becoming even worse than you were before. I think the only way I can become a better person is to take full advantage of the opportunity given to me by my kidney transplant. I'll enjoy the freedom it brings to do all the things I love and I'll make sure I stop along the way to remember how lucky I am.

I definitely won't stop eating bacon or swearing though.

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