Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Winter is here so give a cheer!

Britain is awash with people grimly coming to the realisation that Winter is upon us. October begins on Monday, there are severe weather warnings across the country and central heating systems are groaning back to life. The mood is bleak and folk are glum.

But I think you should turn that frown upside down. There are so many reasons to love Winter so here is your guide to making the most of what tends to be the most hated season.

The Weather

Now, you're probably of the opinion that there is nothing to love about the cold weather but you'd be mistaken. How often in Summer do you make plans only to have them foiled at the last minute because of the rain? That will never happen in Winter. We always plan for the worst in these upcoming months, we know it could rain at a moments notice and that it'll be cold so we can make arrangements. Plus, there's always the hope of that wonderful rare beast making an appearance - The Snow Day. You go to bed and when you wake up in the morning the streets are under a blanket of glorious white frosty glitter. The roads aren't safe so you couldn't possibly make your way to the office, the kids can't go to school and everyone gets a fun packed day off. I know for some people like doctors, firemen and the police that snow days mean a lot more hassle and I salute them for putting up with it while the rest of us snuggle under the duvet or have a snowball fight.

The Fashion

This one is probably more for the girls than the boys. Winter fashion is simply superb - chunky jumpers and boots a-go-go. Summer fashion is great too, all the floaty dresses and sandals etc but there is so much work to go with it. Fake tan, hair removal, pedicures and the all the rest. In Winter you can put on some tights and nobody is going to know that you've not shaved your legs. For the insecure among us the constant pressure of having a Bikini Body disappears for another year. Sure the wind and rain might spoil our hair and make-up a few times but it's not much that can't be fixed with a comb and a quick touch up. Hayfever on the other hand ensures that you look like a puffy eyed, runny nosed, groggy goblin all day long.

The Sleep

No more sleepless nights is a big enough reason to break out the flags and welcome Winter. You can go to bed and not spend hours tossing and turning because of the muggy heated nights. It might be cold outside but you've got a hot water bottle, your favourite pyjamas and a heavily togged duvet. A good nights sleep is practically guaranteed.

The Food

We all love seasonal fresh fruit and salads in Summer but they can't compare to the pure comfort of Winter food. Folk can dust off the slow cookers, chuck in a few ingredients and when they get home from work they have a perfect casserole waiting for them. No fuss, no effort. Winter hails the return of the Roast Dinner. Just pause for a moment to savour the thought. ROAST DINNERS. Succulent meat, fluffy potatoes, piles of vegetables, gravy. All on the same plate. It's a dream come true.

The Celebrations

Christmas. Christmas. Christmas.

Many people don't like the run up to Christmas as they feel it's been hijacked by shops and is too commercial. That's fine and I can see where they're coming from. Personally I absolutely LOVE Christmas. It's not about the money it's about the spirit. I enjoy Christmas because of the time spent with loved ones and the extended break from work. Even the naysayers who don't enjoy the run up to the big day chill out and enjoy themselves. It's perfectly acceptable to drink a bucks fizz for breakfast, have a few Baileys during the day and polish off some spirits in the afternoon so even if you can't bring yourself to enjoy the festivities, at least you can blot the day out in a haze of alcohol.

So, next time you look out the window and feel a bit bleak, remember that there are loads of reasons not to regret the onset of Winter. Grab yourself a hot water bottle and some roast potatoes and enjoy them.

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