Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Liebster Award

I was tagged to do this post (called the Liebster Award) by Penny from Lillies and Love.  It's just a bit of fun but I rather like this kind of thing and it's a way of getting to know people better. 

The Rules
- The nominees must link back to the blogger who awarded them
- If you are nominated, write "11 Random Facts" about yourself, then answer the 11 questions the awarder wrote for you 
- Make up 11 new questions to be answered, then nominate 11 other bloggers to take part. 
I'm going to have to cheat a bit here because I don't know 11 other bloggers well enough to tag them. Penny has tagged a couple of people I would have so I'll have to skip them but I'm going to tag three bloggers and leave it up to anyone else if they want to take part. You can say I tagged you, don't worry I'll back you up. 

11 Random Facts About Me...

I have a phobia of turkeys.
I used to be addicted to Extra Strong Mints and would eat up to 5 packs a day.
I was once an extra in a tv puppet show and had to get covered in pretend poo.
Cliff Richard accidentally touched my bum at a funeral.
I have been boycotting McDonalds for over 9 years.
I have had a kidney transplant (thanks for the gift, Mum!).
It's my life ambition to one day own a tank full of axolotls. 
My favourite food is, and always will be, pizza.
My favourite colour is purple.
I've never had a filling in any of my teeth.
I used to drive a white car with black cow spots painted on it.

My Questions From Penny...

- How old are you? - I'm 27 but I will be 28 in three weeks time (yikes!)
- What are your favourite boys and girls names? - Opal for a girl, Harry for a boy.
- If you could have any career, what would it be? - When I was a kid I always wanted to be a scientist. I think my inner child still wishes this was a possibility! 
- Who are the three people you consider your heroes/heroines? - Eddie Izzard, Richard O'Brien and Terry Pratchett. I actually wrote a blog (here) on it a while ago. 
- What has been the proudest moment of your life so far? - Surviving renal failure. I got pretty close to giving up a few times.
- What ambitions do you have? - To own a home with Rich. Oh, and to have a tank full of axolotls in it of course. 
- Do you have a lucky number? - The superstition says that 13 is unlucky for some but I've always found it to be a good luck charm.
- If you won £17,000,000 on the lottery, what would you do with it? - I'd buy a house for Rich and I, pay off all the debts for both our families and friends, make some donations to charity and travel the world. I'd also set up my own charity that specifically helps young transplant patients funding the costs of their education, holidays and deposits for homes. 
- If you could spend 2-weeks anywhere in the world, where would you go? - I'd love to go to Japan. I'd spend a few days in Tokyo and then the rest of the time I'd travel the country looking at the natural beauty of the land.
- What is your favourite film and television programme? - My favourite film has absolutely got to be Rocky Horror Picture Show. It's hard to pick a single favourite tv show but I'm especially fond of cheesy American crime dramas like CSI, Castle and Criminal Minds. 
- If you could only read three books for the rest of your life, what would they be? - Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett because it's my favourite book from his Discworld series, Each Peach Pear Plum by Janet and Allan Ahlberg because it reminds me of my childhood, Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien because it's an escape into a fantasy land and can be whatever your imagination wants it to be.

My Questions For You Lot...

- How old are you?
- What is your first memory?

- Who would play you in a movie of your life?
- What is your favourite book?
- If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be?
- Do you have any hobbies?
- Where is your favourite place in the world?
- Do you have any interesting scars?
- Do you have phobias?
- Do you have any pets?
- Pirates or ninjas?
Ok, so here are my tags:
Rachel from Things that make me go aagghh!
Jeni from Make up for the Morrissey fan
Scott aka Scooshmeister


  1. Ooooh I look forward to doing this. :)

  2. I'd never heard of Axolotl's before but now I can't stop googling pictures of them - SO cute!!

    Oh and I did a LOL at my desk about Cliff Richard touching your bum. What a special moment! ;-)


  3. Thanks for the tag, will pick up the challenge at the weekend!
